Field 森林式指北針 黑/深藍-Silva,提供一流的戶外用品,所有商品皆享有一年保固 | 登山補給站


Field 森林式指北針 黑/深藍

Product code: S37501

  • $840
  • $750

  • 累計紅利30點

比例尺 1:25000 和 1:50000 兩種

360 度設計,每格間隔 2 度




● 邊緣刻劃 1:25000 和 1:50000 兩種比例尺及公厘刻度。

● 採 360 度設計,每格間隔 2 度。

● 磁偏角調整。

● 藍寶石針軸,精密加工,平衡性高,讓指針定位更穩定。

● 新式 Dry-Flex 橡膠握把軟式方位角圓盤,讓定位表現更佳理想。

● 透明底板,便於在地圖上使用。

● 易拆卸的安全繫繩,危難時可緊急扯下。

【重量】28 g



瑞典 Silva 是全球領先的指南針制造商,於1933年 Kjellström 兄弟制造了他們的第一個液體指南針,原理須簡單,但仔細的改良使導航及定向時更精確。SILVA 是拉丁文的“森林“的意思。正如其名 SILVA 是最可靠的 “森林指南針“ ,為世界各地的球探險者所採用。不管身在世界任何角落,作任何歷險活動,每位戶外運動愛好者的背囊內都應該擕有這樣精密的用具。一個可靠的指南針能為你引領方向,無須電池更不必擔心電池會耗盡。

SILVA指南針是珠穆拉瑪峰 Mt. Everest 登山運動員指定用品,更於40多個國家(包括瑞典)的軍隊和警察部隊被廣泛使用。 2007年6月,在沙哈拉沙漠由20多個國家參賽的沙哈拉沙漠越野耐力賽中,SILVA指南針也是官方指定用品。

SILVA 屬於芬蘭公司 Fiskars 戶外用品部門旗下的品牌之一,總部設於瑞典的首都斯德哥爾摩,那裡不但被譽為全球最美麗的國家之一,而且也是歐洲最熱愛戶外運動的國家之一。主要的產品種類以擴闊至戶外和隨身健康用品,除指南針外還有計步器、頭燈、雙筒望遠鏡、太陽能板、專業儀器及野外定向設備等等。

2018 We will celebrate 85 years as outdoor equipment experts

2017 We sponsored Nattvasan, the world’s first nighttime XC-ski race. A sponsorship we won a Swedish marketing price for the ‘Sponsoring of the year’.

2016 We launched our first global compass

2016 We won ‘Best in test’ by the Trail Running Magazine for SILVA Trail Runner

2015 We launched the innovative Flow Light Technology in all SILVA headlamps

2013 We expanded our Carry Dry-collection with new innovations to help uses protect headlamp batteries, compasses, maps etc. from wind, water and dust

2011 We won the OutDoor Industry Award for SILVA Tyto Visibility lamp

2010 We won the OutDoor Industry Award for SILVA Ninox headlamp and ISPO Award for SILVA Cross Trail headlamp

2009 We won the OutDoor Industry Award  for our Trail Runner headlamp

2008 We launched the innovative Intelligent Light Technology in all SILVA headlamps

1992 We launched the world’s first handheld GPS with an integrated digital compass

1981 We launched our marine electronic navigation instrument

1971 Our founder, Björn Kjellström, co-founds the United States Orienteering (Orienteering USA)

1939 We introduced the first mirror-sight, liquid-damped baseplate compass that ever since enable users to see through the compass onto the map

1935 We launched our first SILVA headlamp, Zeiler. The consumer retail price was 0,8 EUR

1933 We were founded by the three orienteering brothers Arvid, Björn and Alvar Kjellström. They invented the world’s first liquid-filled compass and set the global standard for how navigation devices work.  The name SILVA means “forest”.

